Friday, 17 November 2017

From Single to Married - Just Like That!

Now, before I begin this post; its been a while since I actually wrote something. Both figuratively and literally.
Figuratively because I've seemed to have a blank mind for the longest time now and literally because I've not bothered to really take the time to write anything this extensive in a long time.

The last time I posted something, I was a single man, enjoying the little quirks that life had to offer and needless to say, I was happy. At least I thought I was.

I've been terrible at managing my finances and it somehow never seemed to bother me. May it was because I had this feeling in my head that I had people around; friends and relatives that would pull me out of a sticky situation in case I did get into one.

These thoughts got real when on one fine morning I decided to splurge on yet another faction of my imagination; I decided it was time to get married!.

I had no savings, a zero bank balance, absolutely no assets and yes, I was still determined to go ahead with this bizarre thought that suddenly popped into my head.

In one of my previous posts I've mentioned how I created an online matrimonial profile and how it had to drastically stop with a rather shrewed intervention from my parents.

Let me tell you that once I found myself back on a stable job and back in action, I decided I was good to go with the whole marriage extravaganza.

Surprisingly, my parents didn't say a word this time. They silently played along. We went from matching a profile to me making multiple trips to meet the girl, to planning an engagement and hell to even fixing a date for the wedding.

Funny thing is, I had absolutely no clue how the finances worked for something so major and where I was going to find the money to pay for this when I was already spending and paying back more than I was making.

Again, without a saying a word or flooding me with advise, my parents supported me. Payments were made on my behalf, arrangements were made as requested and ya, before I knew it I was on a plane to India to tie the knot!

I guess the first hit to my crisis came when I decided to cash out on the credit cards to pay for a honeymoon that I otherwise wouldn't even dare to dream about. I guess when the love fever hits you, nothing else really matters.

We had a good trip, got back and then I headed back to home base, whilst making a promise to my now wife, that I would soon send across a visa for her travel. The initially planned wait of a 15 days turned to over a month and before I knew it I was on month two of the marriage and still struggling to find a way to save up enough to even afford a visa.

Like they say, god is great!. I'm not a firm believer in god or religion for that matter but when the lord bestows you with a girl like my wife, you really begin to think about how he has his funny ways to teach you a lesson.

My wife, now getting a faint idea of the situation or mess that I was in, decided to just get herself a visa and ticket and flew out here to be with me.

The best three months of my life were about to begin. How time flew still is a mystery to me. The feeling of just knowing that the person lying next to you in bed every night is willing to sacrifice everything for you is more overwhelming than anything else.

The void that she filled in my life was realized only when her visa tenure was up and when she had to return back.

With things still not looking good and my job scene suddenly turning in the not so right direction, I continue to have nightmares about how things will shape up.

While my wife was here, I couldn't keep my eyes open beyond 11 pm. Now, at almost 3 am, I'm writing a blog post about my life whilst keeping the lights on because I'm scared of the dark. Let's just day, I'm not comfortable staying alone anymore.

While I run the numbers in my head, make these bizarre schemes on how I can repay my debt, and how I can piece my life back together, I have this strange feeling about how big a fool I was to do what I did when I wasn't even prepared for it.

I love my wife and that's the truth but taking her from her comfort zone and bringing her into my life's chaotic ways doesn't seem rational.

Putting my dad through the trouble of getting his eldest son married when he already is trying to save up for his only daughters wedding seems ungrateful.

I'm generally known for keeping a cool head and staying positive when the whole world is seeing it the other way but in this instance it seems like I'm slowly beginning to see the bigger picture.

As I struggle to catch a nights sleep with the lights still on, all I want is to be able to live debt free, pay back my parents for all that they've done for me and to give a life to my wife; one that she deserves.

How I went from being single, care free to married and worried, still beats me.

All I know for now is that god definitely has his funny ways of passing down a piece of his mind!

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